Sunlit Shadows

She is a wanderer, a gypsy. It is merely her nature, so deeply ingrained that she is even known as our resident Gypsy. It's so much a part of Tribe that knowing anything beyond the adventures she partakes upon while she walks the realms is a challenge even for the most talented of soul-seers.
She has a reason for her traveling gypsy ways, one which few would suspect; she is easily bored. Much like the great seas that she often wanders, she is not content to sit idly and allow life to drfit by. Our Gypsy needs to wander as wide and varied as the shores upon which the great waters touch; a new face, a new land, a new storm or even a new sun under which to stretch, they summon her as surely as the great banks of sand, shale and stone follow the water's edge.
Even so her home always calls to her to return. She does not drift aimlessly, yet rather ebbs and flows much as the tides themselves do. She will wander upon foreign soil only to come again to the great crescent of mountains that entrench her vast beach and slip into the waters and fade into a series of small islands that seals the ring together. It is, perhaps, the only stretch of land she has ever actively enjoyed exploring. The mountains hold caves, both above and below ground, and there are vast secrets and treasures hidden within each one. Wandering paths twine their way between the great peaks, and similar passages have been carved under the waves by the water currents that skirt the islands in her shallows. Between the ring of mountains and island guarded seafront, it is a land entirely apart and nearly forgotten by all but her.
Her greatest wandering adventures are almost always on or within the sea itself, no matter how she enjoys the varied land and waters of her home. Treasures, beasts, lost vessels and skeletons, underwater lakes and great voids of nothingness where no other life dwells; she has seen it all. Riding through tempests in the great open water is a thrill for her, and following the trail of coral treasures to a new land and new friends a true joy. She trades gems she finds for anything from food to magik-work, yet mostly she trades tales and laughter with any locals she discovers.
Some small amount of treats, those that the Gypsy mares favors above any other, she holds for her own small hoard. She hides them in the water, near the mouth of one of the many undersea caverns found at the base of her favorite island. They are safe from all but the fishes there, hidden from those who walk on land as the currents that wind around her island discourage sea-bound wanderers.
She has brought some ashore, resting in the rocky pebbles on her island beach and gleaming in the brilliant light of the three suns. Although she keeps them tucked away in safety, sharing her findings is a treat that any visitor is sure to recieve. Tribe is a very social mare, very kind and with a deeply southern twang to her voice and a matching sense of hospitality. Even as this entry is taken to parchment she lays out a myriad of sweet, exotic fruits for a snack and toys with her various trinkets. She is a wanderer, a Gypsy mare and holds such a sparkling vibrancy in her soul as to even rival the great waves through which she travels.
The only thing missing in her life is a proper tribe to wander with, others who are honestly hers in name and deed. She longs for a mate and a Circle to go with him; or her. Mare or stallion are both possibilities while she seeks her mate - yet she knows that such a thing is not to be rushed, and so waits. Her patience is not always true; like the waters, she has been known to weather a storm, and just as the waters themselves they often pass quickly and leave little more than a bit of choppy wake. And like the great seas, she does not appreciate being hemmed in - other than her mountains, there is little to disturb the great open hills of her home. Trees make her uncomfortable, disturbing the flow of sheer space, and often give her bouts of what she refers to as 'land-sickness.' This moodiness, vibrancy for life and social hunger for anything new or unexplored is matched by no other; some day, one particular Serian will be blessed by holding claim over her as their own, and our Tribe will have begun a tribe of her very own; a proper Circle to anchor her through all her travels, wherever she may be.
Tribe has been transformed. Our wandering Gypsy mare has met a stallion by that very name - Gypsy, who she has dubbed her Magpie. To see the light return to her, a light which had slowly faded as she began to believe that she was destined to be alone in penance for her wandering ways, is more than a thing of beauty. She once again trails joy and laughter behind her, now that she has found the final piece of her home, a stallion who can believe in walking roots.
Their journeys are bound to be great and varied, and now, finally, she will have someone to stand at her shoulder as she seeks that distant horizon and the secret treasures it may hold. He will be her Magpie, the one that helps to collect all the bits and baubles that so adorn her, and with every new discovery their bond is sure to grow.
The joys are brighter when shared, the trials easier when faced together, and everything she had once seen alone can be rediscovered through the eyes of another as long as he is beside her. Our sweet wanderer has finally found her ultimate treasure.