Sunlit Shadows
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Sacred Sea
Special Stats: None
Circle: The Cherished Dreams
From: Sionayra


Known as the Siren for her smooth and rolling singing, the small mare is strongest with her Mate, West. She feels safest while he is around, quite happy to slip behind him while he deals with the world. Her nature is such that she's seen as timid; quiet spoken and kind even in her fierceness, this is a mare that will never be known as strong or bold. For most of her life others had awaited exactly such an occurrence, the revelation of underlying steel; it has taken years to be accepted as a soft soul. In spite of the rounded curves of her flank and chest she can't even be thought of as physically strong. While she can run, swim, and most probably prove capable of having a threat sitting on her very back without slowing, there would never be more than that. She lacks power in her step; rather, there can be found only the light tread of a swimmer. Her smooth hide and stout build come from many hours of playing in the waves that crash over her cove, not from any sort of power or ability to fend for herself.
This is about as straightforward as her personality; upon first glance, her stout build could easily be taken as powerful. Likewise, when first met her soft voice and gentle smile could be seen as kindness rather than frailty. The Siren has such a penchant for tranquility that not only does she claim an aura of serenity, she lives in it. Sign makes her home in a shallow cove, the beach giving way to a strip of rich grass embraced by mountains. The waters hold a myriad of colors within the reefs that dapple the shoreline, the many little fish glinting like jewels.
As quiet and still as the waters are in her home, so it is whenever one visits with her. She will happily for hours on end simply watching the waves and the fish, or else the caperings of dolphins off the shoreline; it is the form taken upon my own visits, for the simply joy it brings her. Company is more than welcome to sit with her, and if one is lucky enough they may hear her sing the song of the waves while the suns dip under the water.
That she holds to such a peaceful nature is surprising considering the scars on her flank and neck; the deeper waters have given her a permanent lesson that had left a mark on more than her hide. The beast had come upon her in murky waters, taking her by surprise - and taking a pound of flesh as her hoof connected with its jaw. Even still, lack of visibility deeply disturbed her, rather or not it was in the sea or on dry land. One did not sneak up on this mare; not only was she particularly sensitive to the notion and thus difficult to get the jump on, but should anyone succeed it caused no small amount of terror. It was guaranteed that should any of her bondmates discover such an attempt, the perpetrator would have several angry Serians coming down on their head. Not to mention an enraged Bonded.
She does not, to her credit, spend her life in fear, but rather within a state of still calmness. Few things reflect this as well as seeing her curled in the shallows of her beach; her coat blends with the teal waters, her mane and tail with the seaweed that speckles the edge of the reef, and her hooves look like so much seashell. Combined with the shells woven throughout her mane and tail, it would be far too easy to mistake her as a bit of ocean debris at a glance. She is rarely so peaceful as these moments where she is truly at one with her home, this shallow sea.
She knows how to soothe a damaged heart and is a natural healing mother for all of her bondmates. Few things will raise her ire; typically, Sign is a mare who will quietly step away and meditate over her hurt. There are only two who she proves to be the caretaker for; the Hermit and the Lover. The Hermit, jaded to the point of apathy, raises her protective instincts in the case of any striking out and causing him to withdraw even deeper behind the protective wall. The Lover, as gentle a soul as she, is another to cause a flutter of mother hen behavior; rather than tranquil he is simply an open and tender heart, one that can easily be deeply damaged. She would sooner receive more scars than see his trust and love betrayed.
The rest of the time she plays caretaker, and yet relies on her bondmates to look after her as she does these souls. Her Mate brings her the deepest peace, giving her the greatest sense of love and security; after years, the others finally understand this and see her for who she is. There is no pain in her heart, although she misses him while he is away, and there is no weakening of a steel core for no such core exists. She has always been gentle and frail; such is her nature, that of smooth water and glittering fish upon purple-pink sunsets.
This acceptance fills her with a gentle warmth, a true love for all she shares this realm with; only they know her so well as to see to the depths of her soul, and having seen learned to love who she is. For this, she loves them all; they are more than her strength and protection, they are her friends, her family, and her joy. As she brings peace and song into their lives, so they bring peace to her. And as her love soothes her Mate, so his love rivals the depths of tranquility found in the darkest of oceans. It is when they are together that she is the most complete; times she is grateful for, times that she shall cherish, for only he has brought her the peace that she has exuded to all others.