Sunlit Shadows
Gender: Female
Parents/Affinity: Celestial Light
Special Stats: Rogue
Circle: The Shining Sea
From: Sionayra

She enjoys the sky. Watching the dance of the three moons, sensing the power in the stars, Eternal has been known to stand for hours on end while the sky turns overhead, tracing the paths of the celestial beings. It is, in a way, her dominion. None here read the sky as she does, nor can they; perhaps this is true in all places.
Her home is perfectly suited for this, holding to a particular extreme of constant nightfall. Variations of this are not unheard of in this realm, yet for her lands there is only ever a blushing hint of dawn for a few weeks each year; the barest hint of light will brighten the horizon into a lighter tone of blue for some small piece of time. And as is fitting for the status of this particular mare, she wanders the crags and cliffs each night to monitor the land below. The view from her throne-like perch is unparalleled, though few would have eyes well enough to match her own in order to appreciate it.
​Waterfalls cascade down the sides of her perch, glittering silver ribbons under the light of the moons that lead to league upon league of rivers forming a branching maze through the hills and forests below. Mountains behind her fuel the rushing waters, stepping-stone waterfalls tinkling down the rough sides before gathering into her lake only to transform into her sparkling falls. The series of short waterfalls that meander down the mountain are a poor sight next to the sheer wall of water dropping off her crags, although she enjoys the tranquility that comes with the dozens of small pools resting at the base of each wandering mountain spring.

It is a throne fit for a queen, and so she is; her given name here is that of The Lady. She is grace, beauty, regality all wrapped within power and ability. She is a Rogue, a warrior without limitation, an elemental without specialty. She is walking royalty and the oldest of her kind. Her voice reflects this perfectly; high and soft, a melodic murmur in the gentle embrace of the night, it is the refined voice of power and nobility.
The Lady has seen all others come, and thus has earned the right to oversee them; at least to her mind. She can stand upon her crags, near the edge where the water spills over in a great sheet, and oversee their lives much as she had done for time out of mind. Much of their tales were unknown to her; she had been away for a time, alone and forsaken by the first to bond with her. Yet she knew, as all her kind did, when another was brought forth from the magic of their Alter or else born from a mother. For The Lady, her kind was not exactly the Serians, but the Rogues. They were of all magics, held equal strength on all fronts, and she herself was of the very night.
Eternal has a great fondness for those she deems her own, for all within this realm, all whom she shares this bond. They are her family now; and her future. The Gypsy, in particular, she finds endearing, enough to even teach her the skills needed to read the future from the stars. Our Lady Rogue can be incredibly personable as is her manner, with even her refined, velvet-soft voice holding such an aspect of calm to it that it seems to be nearly soothing. She steps lightly, quietly, and seems to be ever listening to the sounds of the night. If not for the sheer muscle rippling with each step, her movements would very nearly mark her as harmless.
However mellow she may seem, Eternal is an incredibly decisive mare. Once she chose the keeper of this tome for her bonded she nearly seemed to have lived here her entire life, for the easy confidence she displayed while choosing her home. What's more, she has a very low tolerance for being denied proper respect; while irritated a current of pure power will fill the air, however, and this is often enough to put any who had crossed her in their place. It was certainly enough to coax even our walking Death to bow in deference to her.
The only creature she does not hold herself equal to or even slightly above is her bonded, and yet even this is a very near thing. This is a mare that is perfectly aware of her abilities and holds the well-earned confidence of one who has been around long enough to learn the full extent of her own power. Just as she has been around enough to know the sound of silence and to have learned to respect and nurture others, even as the night itself does while it wraps them in dreams.
And still she has not seen enough. She is an observer, constantly guarding her realm, her bond-mates, her livelihood, continuously learning what more life may see fit to teach her. She knows more than any other, yet this did not come to pass by mere chance. She watches, listens, and with all the silent grace of the moon itself moves through the night with the cautious reverence learned through eons of living. From this alone she has developed a great respect for all forms of life, cherishing something as simple as a dragonfly more than any other might. The difference between confidence and cockiness was a lesson she learned long, long ago. The hard way.
Tonight she watches again, sure of her place in this new home; and sure of her future, as well. It is already in the stars, even as it is being written into her heart and recorded within this tome. The Lady has reached the end of her long journeys; she has at last arrived at her final home. She holds no desire for aught else within her heart; the love of home, of herd and bonded warms her from within; the power in her own veins gives her purpose. She will guard them forever, these creatures she has bound herself to, and they in turn will watch over her under the soft light of the three moons.
As time has passed and helped to teach our Lady Rogue, so has it taught the keeper of this tome. This mare is more than might and magic; she is very nearly a singular rarity. There are so few like herself, such a limited number of others that might fully relate to all that flows through her, that she often feels the weight of this isolation. There was once a time when such would not have bothered her; it would have been her right, even what was due to her, to be so set apart all others. With her abilities, it would be natural to be above them.
Time, however, has tempered this trait within her. While she still views herself as being a step higher than most of her kind, she also finds herself acknowledging a particular loneliness. Eternal spends more of her time watching over the others than she does as a proper companion; with the deference they show her, such a power structure can’t be avoided. It leaves her with those that she cares for, yet none she would count as companion, much less an equal. For such moments she turns to me, and even still it is not what she honestly seeks; she knows her bonded to be over her, just as she is over her bond-mates. That is not equality or true companionship, merely a break from being the one in charge for a time.
In seeking a solution to this sense of isolation, she’s begun to wander the Fields of her birthlands once more; her hope is to find another of her kind, rare though they are. Perhaps, in such a discovery, she may also find the friend and companion she so longs for; someone that might hold as an equal. Rather or not more comes from such a union – rather she takes a mate – is not a matter for concern. Our Lady Rogue has learned that such things are not sought out; they are merely found.
Hopefully, her search will prove fruitful. It is a hard thing, to know of such loneliness while realizing that the solution must be found elsewhere. It is harder still to be so isolated and realize that there is no clear answer. There are none who she might readily turn to; no clear options await her. So her journey begins; without aid or definition, outside her goal of companionship.
The Lady seeks to end her isolation; and so sets out alone.