Sunlit Shadows
Gender: Male
Parents/Affinity: Arctic Winds
Special Stats: None
Circle: The Cycle's Echo
From: Sionayra

Breeze, known by most as Horsefeathers, already has a noteable history. He holds a great love for accents, though his own voice naturally holds the deep and varying timbre of a strong wind. He adores joking around, and holds an even greater love for flying amid freezing winds. For quite a while, these were the only things known of him. He kept himself completely untethered, revealing very little of his true self and allowing no deep bonds.
His home told the most about him. Great mountains whose cliffs stabbed the sky, scattered with ice-encrusted caverns and beaten by savage winds, it is a flier's dream. Crystaline wind chimes scatter the land, dangling in caves that were carved by the wind itself or else in the sparse fir trees that cling to the lower reaches of shale and rock. His most prized posessions are those chimes, and one of his greatest joys is dashing through one of the many caves dripping with ice and chimes and allowing the twinkling music to mingle with the song of the winds as they brush against his wings. It is, all in all, quite the fitting home for him; high and set apart, continuously bombared by winds and churning storms, he keeps to his frozen skies and listens to the chiming conversations of his precious trinkets.
Horsefeathers had allowed only that to gain hold over him, this home of his, and even that was tenuous at best. He wandered far and wide, seeking further thrills than frozen flights and whipping winds, often with the Soldier, a stallion that was glad for the easy companionship and never pushed for any level of true depth. Allowing himself no true bonds, he sought stimulation from the different dangers found in various realms; all while cracking jokes and flinging from one accent to another. His life was empty, so he filled it with these adventures and always sought to risk more with each journey. Still, for the most part he was content with this existence, acknowledging only a slight sense of restlessness now and then he flung himself off yet another cliff into the face of still another gale.
This changed when he met Nova, known as Glimmer in this realm.
She was the first one he had ever found that would dismiss him outright for his falseness. Previously, he was either accepted as having such a defensive mechanism or else encouraged to reveal more of his own nature. This mare would do neither, and it made an impression. If he wished to have her in his life, he had to stallion up. The alternative was to continuously be overlooked, his many accents and wise-cracks completely ignored. Through this he discovered that while the concept of tying himself to others and risking the pain of breaking them once again was distasteful to him, being completely dismissed was more so. Horsefeathers did not want to be without others entirely; this was why he always wandered with the Soldier as his traveling buddy. It was far too close to his truest fear; being left behind. The casual confidense, wise-cracking humor and complete lack of investment melted away almost instantly. Glimmer was a bond-mate, and thus automatically bound to him; he wouldn't lose that entirely simply because of a desire to keep it from growing meaningful. The choice was to risk getting close to another again or to completely be dismissed, and he couldn't tolerate the lack of even a shallow relationship.
He did more than reveal himself as he chose not to risk losing someone in even that small way. While they talked, as he allowed more and more of his own wariness to melt from his heart, he made a surprising discovery; he was stronger than he had realized. It had hurt, to have been abandoned before, but it had not destroyed him. Much of his time became devoted to this new mare, for she demanded no less than frank honesty. It was refreshing, terrifying and a great relief all at the same time. They depended on one another while in her lands, a fact which forced him to prove himself on more than one occasion. His confidense in himself as a stallion grew, and a deep sense of calm began to spread through him; his spirit was no longer as restless as the winds that tore at the peaks of his home.
As Breeze allowed this bond to grow, merely for the sake of having some link with this mare at all over being 'abandoned' by the strong creature, he began to fall for her in earnest. She coaxed the truth out of him, made him show her the very depths of his heart, and eventually he realized she gave him the same gift of such honesty. It didn't take long before he was dissatisfied with the simple kinship he had built with her as a bond-mate. It was already different from what he shared with any other, built upon simple honesties rather then empty smiles. He grew to admire and respect her through these small truths, these minute glimpses they shared of themselves, and it wasn't all that surprising when a true spark of interested began to ignite into something more. This mare with whome he shared something real had become more important to him than the prospect of being some small part of her life. The more they shared, the more he was a part of that life and she of his, the more he desired her.
So he did the only thing he could when it came to her; he began to woo her.
It was more than presents or making her smile, so much more. He was tender, strove to prove himself a worthy stallion, someone that was dependable and strong. He was tested in almost every manner, for there was always something else she needed in order to dare to risk taking him as her own. He learned her lands, learned how to defend her, how she liked to be held, what her favorite treats were; and as he learned she would seek the same in him, chasing her own interest in this strong, light-hearted stud. They grew closer than ever the more they revealed; falling for one another was unavoidable by the end of things.
They have been blissfully mated ever since.
Breeze still revels in wind chimes and laughter and such accents as he can mimic, always seeking to enjoy all he can in life with a light heart. His sincerity has never faded; he continuously tests the strength of his character, striving to be a better stallion for his beloved Nova. He wishes to be everything she could ever need for her, his exotic princess of the bright white skies. It is because of her that his smile now holds depth and warmth, traits that had once been lacking.
Breeze has grown once again.
In his determination not to be overlooked by the mare that would eventually become his mate he learned to prove himself as a dependable stallion. From the rivalry that helped to shape him he learned to love her; all because she snubbed him where no others had.
As their love grew, so they grew. From gaining a mate he came to gain everything; Circle and foal, a promise and a future. Looking back it would seem only to be the natural progression of things, yet at the time he found that all such developments happened amid a great deal of uncertainty.
He had long loved his closest friend the Soldier, his first friend made upon rebonding. As he and Glimmer grew closer this bond between the two stallions remained. Rather than being lessened it grew as well, morphing from a superficial affection into a proper friendship with the depth of two that could regularly depend upon one another. His mate, through these ties, grew close to the stallion as well; they understood one another in such a way that only the unique might fathom. His mate-bond had strengthened his friendship and, in turn, as he grew closer to the Soldier so he grew to appreciate those others that were close to his dearest companion.
Sarge, the stallion which had arrived with and initially depended upon the green-scaled stallion, came to appreciate that these others were close to his oldest friend. Through the shared love for the Soldier he, Horsefeathers and Glimmer all grew to know and admire one another. Through this Horsefeathers had grown not only to hold a mate which strengthened him, nor merely his old friendship which had grown deeper; his relationships had expanded to the point of allowing him to be close with those that had previously held little impact. For just as he grew to love Sarge through his loyalty to the Soldier, so he grew to love the Lover amid his bondmates, the mate to Sarge.
These ties began slowly and were, at the time, agonizingly difficult to detect. True friendship which held depth and loyalty, dependability and solidarity with the Soldier had exposed him more and more often to those which he shared his closest companion with. As more time was spent together affection began to take seed and grow; more than ties to the Soldier he came to appreciate them as his own friends.
Sarge was ever a volatile stallion, yet a certain peace had begun to spread through him as he gained required outlets and understanding through his own mate. He was fierce, though he clearly cared; it didn't take long for the secret behind his intensity to be revealed. He was overbearing for one reason alone - his desire to protect. Even those who had a greater force of personality would find a stallion that would constantly back them up. Once his mate gave him a safe place to focus that intensity he proved to be a dependably loyal stallion that was attentive in looking after the wellbeing of those close to him.
Horsefeathers had earned his own dependable nature through no small amount of effort, having first to have put to rest his reluctance to form any kind of relationship which might have true depth; he had to stop running before he could figure out who he was as a stallion. It was because of this that he found himself greatly appreciating Sarge's fierce loyalty and protective affections, learning to appreciate the stallion for himself rather than an extension of his fondness for the Soldier. As he grew closer to Sarge, so he came to know his mate the Lover as well; and that was very nearly a foregone event.
The Lover was simply sweet at first; a kind, loving stallion who was instantly appreciated for his gentle attention. In a rather noticeably short amount of time that morphed into a true sense of protectiveness on his own part, for the small, pale stallion had very little in the way of defenses. He wouldn't know what to do or how to handle it should any honestly attack or bully him and he was so sweet and innocent in nature that Horsefeathers found himself doing all he could to make the gentle stallion laugh or smile. With the way he had grown himself he found that he was severely appreciative and highly protective of such innocence.
Though these friendships he found a deeper sense of self, discovered who he was in areas outside of being a reliable mate. As they grew closer, as their friendships grew deeper, a Circle was formed - and he found that he had surrounded himself by those who knew what it was to struggle and fight and eventually find a way back to light and love. They'd all had to go through great pain to reach the point of finding themselves together; they'd all suffered and made themselves whole once again.
So it was that they named their Circle that of the Cycle's Echo - to go around again, to have completed the circle of growth and begun once more.
And from this, he gave his Circle a foal. A filly, a small little spark of life that sealed the bonds in a way few things could. She was the final result of his friendships, of being mated, of his growth. She symbolized his greatest achievement; finally and fully realizing his potential as a whole stallion once again.