Sunlit Shadows
Gender: Male
Parents/Affinity: Arctic Winds
Special Stats: Elemental (Sky)
Circle: The Phoenix Gate
From: Sionayra

There are few others in these lands that can say they walk upon the clouds.
Caelum, known as StormWalker around these parts, found a plateau that stretches for unseen miles in all directions. This rise is so high that it lingers in the clouds. More often than not Caelum can be seen landing on what appears to be nothing more than a cloud as his hooves land in the two inches of mist that coats his plateau like grass.
Under the cloud layer there is indeed grass, surprisingly lush and rich for the height where they grow. The only reason for this is the stallion's influence; he gathers the air, influencing the sky as he wishes. With the rich air, constant moisture from the continuous cloud layer and fog-filtered sun, there is no grass in all the realm that can provide such rich nutrients.
The sky is cold at such a height, but that's fine with him. The suns are also brighter, and there is a clarity seen in the moons rarely observed elsewhere. One of his favorite pass time is to flex his elemental influence over the skies, thinning the atmosphere while the suns are at their zenith so that he can see the stars even in mid-day. They fascinate him, the flairs and sparks he can see on the suns and the strength of the burning stars. The glittering sparks mirror the markings on his own hide, the flecks of gold, white and red that trail from his eye; only the layers of air separate him from the sunspots and distant glimmers he can see beyond his sky.
As isolated as this chosen home may be it is perfect for such observations. Yet while he is more than strong enough to handle the climb of flying to such heights on a regular basis few others are. It's because of this that he frequently retreats to the lower reaches of the realm, enjoying the thick boisterousness of the air during his visit and frequently relying on the unique perspectives others can offer. He claims that too much solitude can narrow your mind in ways that the sky and horizon have never intended, and that the skies are never still in their entirety. He is such a part of the air and wind, the movement of clouds and strength of the burning suns that he can find no way to live outside of what their very nature dictates.
However far his many wanderings may take him, he always returns before more than a sunturn or two; there is a defensiveness of his own land that can only be defined as a view of needing to guard what the sky blankets. The entire plateau, from one horizon to the other, lays under his own piece of sky.
It is a challenge to place his heart into these words; this practice of communication is not natural to me. The best that can be done is to say he is a strong stallion, as implacable as a winter's night and as steady as a summer day. Looking into his heart is like looking into the sky itself; there is no true way to describe both the gale that drives a winter blizzard and the clear distance of a sweltering summer. His only weakness is that it takes such a great amount of time to get close to him; his anger is sudden and violent; and few things have the ability to bind him at all.
The only exception would be his mate Tundra, the only one he currently binds himself to within his circle. She - and their three younglings - hold as much claim over him as his own bonded. They have his heart as none other, a task in itself as few can hope to capture the sky itself.