Sunlit Shadows

Her home is one of contradictions that somehow fit together. The ground remains iced, the frozen monoliths huge, and the shadows deep behind the ever glaring suns. The days are long and the light warm; yet the wind cuts with a chill that could freeze the very soul.
The ice is forever melting and freezing; when the wind is still the suns warm the frozen towers, only to freeze in a new layer when the chill stirs in the air once again. They've turned a deep, unfathomable blue through this process, with the winds granting strange shapes as it flings half-thawed droplets around. This is the method of how the towers were first formed; the wind is so cold that the water would freeze while being flung around, shaped by the whims of the air as it ebbed and flowed.
The towers are made even more impressive by some meddling alterations that were inspired by the Princess's best friend; indeed, the materials for the feat were gathered in her friend's lands. Large crystals, each easily the size of a dozen stallions, have been embedded in the base of each tower. They range in tones from midnight blue to a deep sea tone that mirrors the Princess's coat; each is covered in glowing moss. Chipped in various patterns to encourage the mosses to grow over the porous areas, the mosses whirl across the blue crystals in various tones of rippling blues, purples and greens, many of them shimmering in multiple shades. The glowing moss reflects through the crystals, heightening their natural phosphorescence. This is refracted further through the ice; the end result is a glowing palace monolith that shines as if both the suns have been captured at its heart.
The very duality that createad these glowing spires also lend towards an odd temperance; slapped against chilled ice and seared by burning suns, the air is rarely still. While breath fogs amid the towers, the suns keep skin warm. In those moments when the tumultuous atmosphere does calm, the cold that rises from the ice softens the glare from the suns enough to have the sensation remain pleasant.
Beneath the towers of the ice palace, as it's known, lies a wandering expanse of gently rolling hills. The land itself has channels and hills carved by the wind, yet the ground is far from dormant. Between clumps of ever-present snow a tenacious grass grows, hardy enough to thrive in spite of the harsh wind due to the nourishment they gain from the warm suns. Dense, pale and springy, the meat of the plant has a heavy taste and pungent odor once cropped. The juices are sweet, in counter point, and quite sticky, with a pleasantly lingering taste. The discovery of this grass was a delight to the filly that came to rest and rule over this contrary land.
AuraSidra, known simply as The Princess by those close to her, has proven to be as strange and wonderful as her home. The fact that her eyes and markings are the same soft green as the grass, her coat and wings the same blue seen in the depths of the morphing ice-towers and her mane and tail the same pale gold as the suns that hang in the washed-out sky could not be mistaken. Nor can the reason for referring to the monolithic structures as an ice palace. AuraSidra has a strength to her personality that demands others heed her words, yet it's often tempered by a rather mischievous sense of adventure; she is, by all rights, a natural leader. Her voice demonstrates this; clear and feminine, it flows smoothly to every ear. Even while excited there is a certain level of cool power in her words, an aspect that grabs and holds the attention of any who hear.
Her sense of adventure often leads to escipades, and its at this point that she's most prominently in charge, leading any poor soul who happens to be in her company into grand mischief. One of her favorite tricks is attempting to sneak sugar and honey without being caught; another is to go poking around where she has no due to be. Bold, daring, and quick to laugh, our Princess captures the hearts of everyone within moments; she remains the only Serian yet found to swing upside down from an ice "branch" in order to avoid detection. After landing on her face a few times she even figured out how to get back down rather gracefully, with the help of her ephemeral wings.
Although she continuously gets into trouble with her parents for her escapades, the strong personality comes with a strong moral compass. She will gladly filch some extra honey; she will not prank anyone. Her rampant curiosity coupled with her boldness often puts her in somewhat dangerous situations, such as sneaking into the Soldier's lands while he practices a new trick with lightning. While sneaking she unintentionally surprised him; a few singed hairs proved her price. She will, however, gladly tease; often she's seen sitting amid her iced towers, flinging half-frozen droplets like pebbles to scatter the mongooses below. It's a fair tease, for within moments they scurry their way up to her and swarm over her to send her into a fit of tickled laughter.
The combined strength of both of her parents' personalities, a sense of honor and leadership that resembles her mother and a sense of fun and daring that stems from her father have all combined to make a filly unlike any we have ever had cause to deal with before. She outshines both of them, combining their strongest and best aspects, and there is no doubt that she will lead us all in the grand adventure of life.