Sunlit Shadows
Circle of the Cherished Dreams
Forged in the heat of young love, the Circle of the Cherished Dreams is well named.
The founders, Firefly and Amber, were originally bound to other Circles. They are one of the few, if not the only Serians to sever these ties once forged. Joined in haste, neither found themselves within a Circle that suited them. For Firefly, he was bound to strangers he knew nothing about; for Amber previous bonds had turned sour, leaving disharmony as well as strangers. Breaking free of disharmonious arrangements, the two friends came together as lovers to surround themselves with a Circle that would be close to them.
While Firefly began the process of breaking old ties and encouraged Amber to do the same, Path, his bondmate, was also going through a storybook romance. After having finally accepted the stallion for who he was, and with a new sworn mate of her own, she found herself wishing for a Circle of her own; for family, for love, for the simple prospect of sealing herself to her mate and those closest to her for all of time.
Path had met and made an impression on Amber before, another relationship that had grown to become something new. Once Path accepted Firefly for who he was, Amber became one of her most loyal friends. Pixie, Path’s mate, had little interaction with the others and yet seemed to require no more than that. As a bondmate to his mate Path, he respects and appreciates Firefly for being close to her; Firefly has a similar opinion of Pixie as her mate. There is a presiding sense of general respect among them, along with knowledge that they share the core ties.
Sign was given into the care of their bonded at nearly the same time as the four originally came together to form this new Circle; shy and wanting desperately to find that which would love her for the entirety of time, she was willing to join. If nothing else, it would reaffirm the tie of a new bondmate and strengthen the newly emerging relationship.
When the call to form an official Circle was given, Firefly had no real idea how to proceed. His best guess once everyone had gathered was to host a game; a marked sign of his youth and innocence. The original five came together and following them, two other stallions: Crest and West. While they all attempted to get to know each other through this game, Sign found herself on the receiving end of affection from both of these strange stallions. Crest, the more exuberant and outspoken one, was overwhelming for the awkward little mare. West, however, was a comforting presence that she found to be calm and solid. Through this budding affection, West was granted entrance into their new Circle, the one that began as a secret dream between two Serians who were already bound. Crest, the extra stallion in the gathering, was also granted entrance. He seemed to be particularly close to West, yet the largest deciding factor was Firefly inability to turn the brightly colored stallion away as the only reject.
So it came to pass that this cherished dream became a reality; and so the Circle was named, that of the Cherished Dreams. Firefly and Amber lead, as founders and the original dreamers, and Path and Pixie are content to share this sacred bond with them. Sign is still smitten with West, and Crest, the one that is least-known by all save for West, remains the single outsider.
There is murmured speculation that should he return, there may be yet another bondmate of Firefly and Path that could swear herself his mate and join their circle; but first, he must return. Until that time the Circle remains with one vacancy; that place for the mare willing to bind herself to each of them and take only Crest as her mate, as all others have singularly mated.